Wednesday 22 March 2017

Matthew's experience in mascletas

Hey, today we are going to speak with Matthew about his experience in the ''mascletas'', a ''mascleta'' is an activity which consists in throw fireworks at the 2:00 pm.

Matthew told us that the mascletas was one of the most impressive things about last Fallas, he went to 5 or 6 mascletas during the month and his favourite one was the vulcano mascleta because of the wonderful colours. Is the first time that he heard something that loud, it was like a wall of noise and everyday he can hear it from his flat because of the power of mascleta.

He would have liked to see the mascletas in Alzira, but he need to wait until next year. Everyday at 2 o'clock the Plaza del Ayuntamiento filled up completely so sometimes was difficult to go home at this time.

Here we have an image of vulcano mascleta:

Best Fallas 2017

These are the fallas winners this year.
1. l'Antiga de Campanar

2. El Pilar

3. Cuba

Fallas night life

The casales is one of the most popular things of fallas, is a place where we meet, dine and dance, are trhee nights where we party.

The Matthew s like most about fallas was streets party and his favourite night of the wekend was whem we went to the street party at the central market.
Another aspect of fallas night life is seeing the lights of Ruzafa. His found the lights of calle cuba the most impressive 

Sunday 19 March 2017

FALLAS - La Cremà

The cremà is the act of setting fire to the monuments of cardboard or wood (called faults or bonfires) during the celebrations of several localities of the Valencian Community (Spain), especially the Fouls celebrated in Valencia and the Hogueras de San Juan held in Alicante. With the burning of the monuments, the party is concluded and closed.

Resultado de imagen para cremà imagenes 

The cremà of the failures of Valencia and other localities of the zone is celebrated the night of the 19 of March, day of San José. It consists of the burning of the fallero monuments planted in the streets of Valencia on March 15. The act is preceded by a castle of fireworks, ignited by the greater fallera of the commission. First, around ten o'clock at night, the children's monuments are burned except for the "failure" of the first prize of the special section that burns at ten-thirty and of the municipal children's fault in The Town Hall Square that burns at eleven. 

Imagen relacionada

Subsequently, the main monuments are burned at midnight and at 12:30 the first prize of the special section of this category is burned. And finally, at one o'clock in the morning, the fallero monument of the "Plaza del Ayuntamiento" is burned,which is out of competition.

Thursday 16 March 2017

FALLAS - Fallas' awards

On the night of Thursday,  January 18th, the El Clavell awards in its first edition were held and organized by the North Failure Commission - Dr. Zamenhoff. A prize for people or groups that have stood out for their work, eagerness, sincere dedication and contribution to the world of failures.

The awards ceremony was presided over by the Virgen de los Desamparados, donated for the occasion by the Brotherhood of the Virgen del Barrio, and of course, by the representatives of the Commission: Claudia Rubio and Aida Piñeiro, Fallera Mayor Infantil and Fallera Mayor, and Óscar Herranz and Juan José Morant, Infantile President and President.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

FALLAS - Plantà

After the election of the fallera major of Valencia 2017 and the Crida where the fallera major invites the citizens and rest of the world to fail - one of the important events is the Plantà of 15 and 16 March. 

La plantà marks the beginning of the fallas week. The artists have been keeping their monuments throughout the year, and it is along this day when they leave the workshop and finally see the light.

Early in the morning of March 15, the children's faults must already be in place, already That the Central Junta Fallera jury, runs through the streets of Valencia in search of child failure because the big ones still have time until 12 at night. 

One of the most awaited moments for all fallers is the plant. In it, the artist fallero helped by the most workers of the fallera commission, finish mounting the monument and decorate it so that it is nice and convince the jury to give a prize.

Thursday 9 March 2017

FALLAS - Music of Fallas

Music is very important in Las Fallas. Almost all day you can listen to music bands in the streets of Valencia and other places where the party is celebrated, playing both traditional pieces and versions of pop songs.

The fallas that organize a "despertà", usually count on musicians to accompany the falleros in such an early morning activity; In the parades that take place in the morning too; And in other acts, such as the collection of prizes or the "ofrena de flors", can not miss either. Its always common to hear music, one can listen to the traditional instruments "tabal and dolçaina"

There are a typical fallas music, her name is pasodoble.

This are a pasacalle

This is a charanga, charanga is a little group of musicians.Which hires them a falla and plays for them during all fallas.

This hymn is titled "el fallero" and they play it when it burns the falla.

This is a video of "tabal i dolçaina"

This is a "despertà"That is that the falleros are throwing rockets, accompanied by music and thus wake the people.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

FALLAS - Tradicional dress

The traditional costume of Valencian woman, already dressed before faults appear as a party, has a long tradition in history.

It appeared in the eighteenth century and began as a work outfit for the Valencian labradors, but with the passage of time it was transformed, and led to a more elegant dress that was used on special occasions.

How much does a suit cost?
As for adults, it is more or less from a minimum of 2,000 euros to unimaginable maximums, since there are occasions when they exceed 12,000 euros.
Starting at the feet, the fallera dresses with shoes lined with cloth, usually the same as the costume. The legs are covered with silk or cotton stockings, draped and embroidered with various motifs. Above, the petticoats, which is underwear that is placed under the skirt; Usually, to this garment is added a hollow to make the skirt have more volume

Above it is placed the apron, which is embroidered in gold or silver thread forming striking patterns.

As for the top of the suit, the piece of underwear is the shirt or chambra, since until the beginning of the twentieth century did not begin to wear underwear as we know it today. Above it is placed the bodice, which is usually made with the same fabric as the skirt. There are two different styles: the eighteenth century and the nineteenth century.



The jewels:

The jewels of fallera can cost, at least about 200 euros and the most expensive can cost around 600 or 700 euros.


Suits for boys:
There are usually cheaper because they do not have to waar jewerlly and wear less cloth in their costumes. the cheapest ones are around 300 or 400 euros. 



Saturday 4 March 2017

FALLAS - Cabalgata del Ninot

I'm going to explain "Cabalgata del Ninot"

The "Cabalgata del Ninot" (in Valencia) is in 11 of march and takes part place on a weekend near the beginning of the fallera itself. IN it, different commissions of exponential failure, in their cavalcade, a social, political or sporting theme local or regional character. The cromades, figures and floats of each commission lampoon or criticize its theme, as if it were an itinerant fault and with "humanized" ninots.

After the parade through the center of the city, a jury named a prize effect to the best commission, with different prizes as the best figure, a better final composition or the best comparsa.

The children also had their own Ninot Child Riding, which followed the same standards of performance as the older ones, but since 2012 they have unified the two cabins into one. 


Friday 3 March 2017

FALLAS - Mascletà

A mascletá is a pyrotechnic event characterized by the achievement of a noisy and rhythmic composition that features, particularly during daytime, in street festivities; it is typical of the Valencian Community (Spain). It gets its name from themasclets (very loud firecrackers) that are tied by a wick to form a line or firework display. These are usually fastened at a medium height with ropes or raised by cannon

Mascletà in Alzira(Av. Santos Patronos)
Preparing Mascletà

Wednesday 1 March 2017

FALLAS - Crida

Today I will explain briefly the Crida.

Crida is the act in which the Fallera Major of Valencia announces the beginning of Fallas. All the fallas go to the crida to hear the speech of the Fallera Major. Here in Alzira the act of the crida is celebrated in front of the town hall. The crida is celebrated on the 4th of March usually from 7 to 8:30 pm. This year the Fallas has been awarded UNESCO Human Heritage.